In a heartwarming twist of fate, young Champ Stutts from Texas found himself thrust into the limelight of the baseball card world when he made a spectacular discovery—an ultra-rare Paul Skenes Onyx card. With a collection already boasting over a thousand cards, the six-year-old’s find of the “one of one” Paul Skenes card quickly became the talk of the town, leaving both new and seasoned collectors in awe.
On an ordinary Monday, Champ excitedly opened a pack of baseball cards only to stumble upon the extraordinary Paul Skenes card. Captured in a video by his mother Kristi and shared on their family TikTok account, “Stutts Family Fun,” the sheer joy and excitement in Champ’s eyes went viral within hours, captivating the hearts of viewers worldwide.
The story took an unexpected turn when LSU gymnast Livvy Dunne, who coincidentally is Paul Skenes’ girlfriend, came across the video. Livvy not only left a comment on the TikTok post but also went the extra mile by sharing the video with Skenes himself. Champ couldn’t contain his excitement as he shared, “She showed it to Paul Skenes… I think he said, ‘You’re coming to one of my baseball games.’”
Adding to the thrill, the Pittsburgh Pirates also joined in on the celebration by reaching out to the Stutts family. In a heartwarming gesture, they promised to send Champ a Paul Skenes jersey, solidifying this unforgettable moment for the young baseball fan in a truly special way.
The love for baseball cards in the Stutts household is a family affair, with Champ following in the footsteps of his dad, who started collecting Skenes Topps Chrome rookie patch cards last November. This shared passion has now extended to Champ’s two-year-old brother, who insists on snuggling up with cards every night. However, Champ, protective of his valuable finds, makes sure to remind his sibling, “Bro, don’t bend it,” safeguarding the condition of his cherished collection.
With the support pouring in from Pittsburgh Pirates and Paul Skenes himself, the Stutts family, and young Champ, now have a new team to cheer for, as they bask in the joy of this heartwarming and extraordinary baseball card discovery that has taken the internet by storm.